Thursday, May 30, 2013

Marble sorters+activities

These are the photos we have so far.  I'll post what achievements we get after the challenge

Friday, May 17, 2013

Race cars!!!!!

These are some pics of our car which came on 2nd place out of 6 teams I think.  The face on the front came from one of Sean's many deceased cars.  

Matt, Teddy, and I wanted to make a car that wouldn't fall over and was fast as well.  Using thebpopsicle sticks, it didn't fall over much but we had a huge problem with the front wheel.  Pretty much over the entire course of the project the front wheels would fall off but we got lucky during the race and I made it the whole race without them falling off.  By the end our servo was basically dead.  Our deign ultimately was pretty succesful because we the wheels held up during the race.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


This is the truss activity that we did. Here are some pictures of the pass from the packet we did.

Friday, February 8, 2013

ROV Project

Our ROV group ran into a little bit of trouble, and our's didn't really work for the competition.
Our propeller kept falling off. 
I have pictures, but I cant put them up right now because of ab issue sending them from my itouch.  Ill post them when I can.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cardboard Canoes!

Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions - State the problem you are designing a solution for. List at least 20 ideas you have regarding your solution.

Big Brain - The individual student with the most brainstorms listed will earn a bonus achievement.

Sketch Ideas - Draw 3 different sketches for possible designs. Label at least 3 key features for each sketch. Describe the feature's functionality so a viewer understands why the called out feature is important.
Prototype Ideas - Craft physical prototypes (models) of each of your three sketches. Use a notecard or post it note to call out at least one key feature on each model. Post the images to your blog and describe the key feature that you've pointed out on each.

Select an Approach - Generate feedback (+, change, ?, !) and make a decision matrix regarding your sketches/prototypes. Specify the approach you've chosen and justify your selection.

We thought that a big boat that was sturdy would be the best.  We shouldve taped better and made the walls sturdier.

Surface area! - Calculate how much surface area you can cover with your given duct tape. How many sf can you cover with one roll? How many can you cover with all your rolls? What % efficiency do you think you can achieve with your overlap?
63.73 ft^2

Build It! - Build your watercraft. Your build must meet the standards of construction (100% covered in Duct Tape). Document it with a presentable photo.
The Early Bird Gets the Achievement - Awarded to the team with the fastest build.

We finished building first.

Balance Master - Awarded if you can have at least one person stand for 5 seconds in the boat (you must conduct this away from the edge of the pool so that non one falls over and hits their head)

Matt stod up for about seven seconds, and then fell out.

Videographer - Take video of the challenge and post to your blog.

We had a video, but it would not go from email to the blog.
Feedback - Generate ten items of feedback for your effort (from the design/build process and/or the actual product). Make sure you include at least one item of feedaback in each of our four feedback areas (+, change, ?, !)

1. All gave ideas
2. All built it together.
3. Brought in duct tape.
4. Wish the boat was longer/wider.
5. Want to change balance.
6. Better durability.
7. Tape the walls better.
8. Distributed the weight a little better.
9. Held it together better.
10. Tried a more extreme design.

How Low Did You Go? - How low in the water did your canoe sit (roughly)? Was it suprising how little your boat went down in the water? What is the unit weight of water in pounds? How much did your pilot weigh (roughly)? Use math to help explain the depth that your boat sat in the water.

It went under water.... After about 2 minutes. Before that I'd say about 7 inches.

Redesign - If we were to do another Carboard Canoe race next semester, what would you build? Draw from everything you experienced in your class and propose the most competative solution. Include a sketch with key features and dimensions labeled.

I would make a caneo type thing with a round bottom.  I feel like if it were sturdy enough it would work.

(Make Your Own Achievement) - Make an achievement of your own design that you can award yourself for something awesome your team did. (Example "Transformer" - although our canoe sunk, our team was able to convert it into a surfboard style design and continue competeting!)

Our boat could handle over 10 cannonballs and being forced under water. And we could still use it.

~Just a note, we have a video, but I couldnt figure out how to get it from my e-mail to this.  It is on Teddy's blog.  Also, the pictures below are proof of our achievments, however i couldn't get them in the right place so they are just down there. 

The first one is for the build it achievment.

The second one is for the sketch it achievment.

3rd one is prototype ideas.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mousetrap racecars

Achievments we earned:
Braniac!- Pics
Visualize it- Pictures above
Build It- Pictures above
Price of Glory-- $38
Competitor- Although we were somewhat disqualified because of the laucher design. We did compete... would have won too. It was a solid design if the constraints had allowed it.
Feedback- Wish it could have qualified. I think if we could have solved the issue of it bringing the mousetrap it would have worked more effectively.
Re-Work- I would have tried to figure out a way to connect the mousetrap to the cart to allow it to travel with the cart. Allowing it to qualify.
GameChanger- Make it so that the mousetrap doesn't have to travel with the car.
Invent It- Launcher- Launch the cart a distance of 5 tiles.
Leave it cleaner than you found it- I helped Justin reorganize the building pieces.
Design/Build- Sean and I went through multiple designs. None worked very well that qualified. The one that did work, didn't qualify.